Do you want to get more growth and engagement on social media?

CASE STUDY: I've just completed what could be the BIGGEST study of the Facebook's Organic Algorithm in existence

I've used ACTUAL SCIENCE to "decode" the algorithm that Facebook uses to catapult posts to the top of your friend's newsfeed. I will uncover ALL the results from 1,334 Facebook Posts in 2019.

Jeff J Hunter | Chief Growth Officer | BrandedMedia

$25,000+ in Copywriting, Coaching, & Team members to not only help me create the content, but also Analyze:



Types of Images & Videos that do BEST

We analyzed and compared them by categorizing how they performed on social media by means of the following:

  • Likes / Reacts
  • Shares
  • Comments



Long Form vs Short Form Posts

By the end of this case study, we will show you which types of content performed best and which ones performed worst.



The Types of Stories and Content that Performed Best

Some of the content you'll be surprised about.
I thought about putting together my findings and show you all live...
But only if you guys want to learn what I uncovered....



Predictions from the Data & My EXACT Content Strategy

I've used ACTUAL SCIENCE to "decode" the algorithm that Facebook uses to catapult posts to the top of your friend's newsfeed.

Peter Lynch

I got a huge jump in engagement. Would estimate it to be around an instant 200% jump in engagement. And not just more likes, comments and shares, but all of the engagements were also more meaningful. People connected to my posts in a much more significant and meaningful way after the method was implemented. That means more revenue and a more rapid ability to build thought leadership.

Peter Lynch , Founder & CEO | Hitch Studio


1,334 Organic Posts

I will uncover ALL the results from my Facebook Posts.

✔️ What posts did best
✔️ What posts did the worst
✔️ And Why.....

Know What Works

You see, I have studied TENS OF THOUSANDS of Facebook & LinkedIn Posts...

There is no "LUCK" in getting content to the top of the news feed every day.

The Algorithm

Learn how to leverage the Algorithm to promote your content on social media for FREE on ANY platform!

Hosted by Jeff J. Hunter

Organic Content Marketing Wizard

Jeff J Hunter and the Branded Media team build personal brands for CEO’s and founders of companies who are ready to leverage their business accomplishments to become a true influencer.

They also execute proven “working now” brand strategy, re-brands, and makeovers for funded startups and businesses that have good cash flow, wide margins, and high potential.

Jeff J Hunter | Your Host
Shayla Locklear

Copywriting is part of what I do and the services I offer as a coach/consultant. I had decent like and comments and I was a little arrogant in thinking what more could Jeff teach me. My first time using the method to write a post my engagement went out the roof!!! I would have to say my likes and comment quadrupled at the very least. Definitely made a believer out of me. This is now one of the tools that I don’t go without in my business. I have clients reaching out to me more and more to help them with their messaging. And this is all organic through FB, Insta and LinkedIn. I’m selling more high end programs organically using the clear method.

Shayla Locklear - Marketing Consultant

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