Get The C.L.E.A.R. Copywriting Method Workshop

For Just $297 $47 Today

… And Get FREE Coaching + a Savage Marketer Hat When You Join Today!

Fellow Entrepreneur,

Are you frustrated with feeling invisible on social media?

How tired are you of thinking you’re just not good enough to build a strong brand?

How badly does it hurt to see other people reach success quicker than you (and live the life you know you should be)?

Would you like to NEVER SWEAT landing clients again?

… and instead have ready-to-pay clients reach out to you - every single day?

How much happier would you be if you knew how to write a few simple posts… and *POOF* make an easy $10,000+ in an hour or two?

Well, then listen up.

… because what you are about to see on this page is going to help you do just that (and more).

If you’ve ever struggled with:

  • Needing more engagement
  • Not knowing how to turn your audience into buyers
  • Spending too much unproductive time on social media
  • Wanting a little help to steer you in the right direction

… yet you feel a bit hopeless or even overwhelmed, then you are in the perfect place.

You see, I’ve created an organic copywriting system for social media so easy, so simple, so fast… even a first grader can do it.

Bye-bye are the days of losing sleep over not knowing where your next client is going to come from.

… because now turning your social media into your own personal goldmine takes just a few minutes when you get your hands on:

The C.L.E.A.R. Copywriting Method Workshop!

It’s called that because anyone who uses it gains the instant CLARITY on how to grow their audience and turn them into clients at the *FLICK* of a switch.

No matter how big your audience currently is…

No matter if you’ve ever made a dollar organically or not…

You too can turn your Social Media into an asset within just 7 days.

I promise you, once you use The CLEAR Copywriting Method Workshop…

You’ll wonder how THE HECK you ever made it this far WITHOUT this organic social media moneymaking blueprint.

And if that’s not enough…

I’ll Even Throw In 2 FREE Bonuses For The First 27 Who Join!

Yep, you read that right.

As if this Black Friday Deal wasn’t already INSANE enough…

I’m also going to throw in these two epic bonuses:

Bonus #1 - Free Coaching Call

How would you like personal, 1-on-1 help from me & my team?


That’s exactly what you’re gonna get!

One FREE 30 minute group coaching session to help you:

  • Unlock the master code to creating a buzz around your brand
  • Strategies that bring in clients by the boatload
  • Simple tweaks that can make all the difference
  • Having my team help you one on one

This alone is worth the $47!

Bonus #2 - A Savage Marketer Hat

You’ve seen these all over the place.

These hats have effectively gone viral in the marketing community -- and with GOOD reason!

Not only are they SAVAGE… but they are cool, comfy, stylish, and overall a great marketing tool.

I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve started with business owners in my local area who ask me, “Hey so you’re in marketing?”

This hat gets more SALES than most closers out there LOL!

When you place your order in today for The CLEAR Copywriting Method Workshop I’ll send you one of these badboys right to your doorstep… free of charge.

And those are JUST the FREE BONUSES!

Here’s What’s Inside The C.L.E.A.R. Copywriting Method:

  • Behind the scenes of my Copywriting Skills That Convert Workshop at a private underground event!
  • Uncover the exact method I use every day to generate tons of engagement and sales!
  • Get the framework so you can replicate these posts with ease in your voice
  • AND get a post template to make the creation process even faster! Just plug n play!
  • FINALLY get the engagement you deserve, because you'll know what makes people stop and read
  • FINALLY get more people in your inbox wanting to work with you because you knew exactly how to position yourself
  • FINALLY be seen as the authority in your space, because you know how to write CONTENT THAT CONVERTS!
  • STOP letting social media waste your time and START earning from it ASAP!

And so much more!

My 30-Day “It Works Or It’s FREE” Guarantee…

If you don’t think The CLEAR Copywriting Method was worth the whole $47…

Just let me know and I’ll refund you every penny.

No questions asked.

But, I know you won’t want a refund -- because this stuff works!

And for just $47? That’s less than movie tickets, drinks and popcorn (sour skittles NOT included)!

Joking aside, I am confident this is the best investment you can make in your business…

But not only that, it's also an investment in your own health and peace of mind.

Gone are the days of stressing, shouting and cursing under your breath (be honest, we’ve all been there with our business).

Instead, turn the page and welcome a whole new chapter of influence, respect, and wealth with The CLEAR Copywriting Method.

Getting started is simple.

Just enter your billing details and hit the button below.

After that, you’ll get immediate access to the members-only course area & epic bonuses.

P.S. Here’s a recap of what you’ll get inside The CLEAR Copywriting Method:

  • Behind the scenes of my Copywriting Skills That Convert Workshop at a private underground event!
  • Uncover the exact method I use every day to generate tons of engagement and sales!
  • Get the framework so you can replicate these posts with ease in your voice
  • AND get a post template to make the creation process even faster! Just plug n play!
  • FINALLY get the engagement you deserve, because you'll know what makes people stop and read
  • FINALLY get more people in your inbox wanting to work with you because you knew exactly how to position yourself
  • FINALLY be seen as the authority in your space, because you know how to write CONTENT THAT CONVERTS!
  • STOP letting social media waste your time and START earning from it ASAP!


You’re also going to get ongoing coaching & support from our team of experts with your 30-minute coaching call + a Savage Marketer Hat… absolutely FREE!

Enter your details on this page and get instant access today.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When do I get my order?


As soon as you click the orange button to confirm your order, you will receive an email from us with access to your course area as well as your 2 bonuses.

2. Is there any risk?

Nope-- none at all!

My online business policy is this: NOT TO DISAPPOINT YOU.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’ve “been played” or lied to. I want you to know my intentions are to satisfy you.

But no one’s perfect and in case you don’t think The CLEAR Copywriting Method was worth $47…

Just let me know by emailing our support line and I’ll send you a full, no hassle refund quickly.

That’s my “It Works or It’s FREE” Guarantee.

3. How long will this offer be available?

As soon as you leave this browser this special $47 offer will expire immediately.

Like I said above… I provide full support to every customer.

Like I said above… I provide full support to every customer.

So I have to limit the amount of people who can purchase the The CLEAR Copywriting Method.

So if I were you, I would NOT let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

4. How long until I start seeing results?

All you need is just about 7 days is all that’s needed to start seeing amazing results. But some people see results within just 24 hours!

5. What business does this work for?

It works for all sorts of businesses such as freelancers, coaches, consultants, trainers, course sellers, and even e-commerce, etsy shop owners, and brick-and-mortar. Heck, I think even Donald Trump could benefit from this information! This works for 99.99% of businesses out there.

Warning: This Special One-Time Only Deal Will Expire As Soon As You Leave The Browser.

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